Ways you can serve:

Greeters - Families and single members volunteer to greet members and visitors on Sunday mornings as they enter the narthex.  No experience needed, only a warm and friendly voice are required.

Lay Readers - Being a lay reader is a great way to participate in the Sunday morning service.  Lay readers are volunteers who read the chosen Bible passages from the Old Testament and New Testament during the church service.

Ushers - If you enjoy participating in the worship service the ushers can always use a helping hand.  Men, women and even some of our younger members help with the offering, communion, and handing out the morning bulletins.  Each team ushers once a month for the Sunday service and occassionally for special services as needed.

Altar and Chancel - Volunteers call and remind families of flower sign-ups, clean the communion ware when used and take care of the altar linens.

Baking Committee - Members who enjoy cooking and baking are called upon to donate baked goods or dishes when needed.

Clerical Committee - Assists with clerical work in the church office as needed.

Funeral Committee - Helps provide food for families of deceased members.

Hospitality Committee - Help plan and serve at church events when needed.

Kids Church Bags - Volunteers replenish the cloth bags by replacing snacks, crayons, and other items for boys and girls to use during the service.

Kitchen Committee - Volunteers keep the church kitchen clean and in good working order.

Prayer Chain - Volunteers are called and ask to pray for those in need as well as through email messages.