There are many opportunities to get involved at Good Shepherd:

Sunday Morning Coffee - Do you enjoy coffee in the mornings?  Our coffee volunteers take one month a year to make, serve, and clean up after the Sunday morning service.  This is a great way to have your morning coffee as well as greet friends and meet visitors. 

Tuesday Quilters - Do you like to sew?  Then Tuesday Quilters invite you to join them every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall where they sew, quilt, and enjoy meeting together to make lap robes for those who are sick or in nursing homes. 

Tuesday Men - Do you enjoy working in the garden or yard or puttering around the house fixing things?  Then our Tuesday Men invite you to join them every Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning at 7:30 am to help work around the facilities to keep the gardens green and everything in good repair. 

Wednesday morning Coffee Klatch - Join the group each Wednesday morning at 9:00am at the coffee bar in the Parish Hall for some fellowship and visiting.  A very informal discussion time, the Coffee Klatch is open to everyone.

Prayer Partners Online - You only need a computer to receive emails of prayer requests and spend a few minutes each day in prayer.  To become a Prayer Partner please contact Donna Engles at

Crafters - Our crafters meet each Thursday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm except for December and January.  Come, join the group and learn a new craft, share something you know or just enjoy the fellowship.  Many projects are being done to prepare for the Fall Boutique.